Contact the Student Ambassador via e-mail or phone.


Always use your UPCH-mail if possible. Then you are protecting your own and others' personal information.

We can offer the best and most efficient guidance if we have all following information once we start looking into your situation:

  • Your phone number
  • What you are studying
  • A short description of your situation
  • Any relevant documents: e.g. a decision you have received or your draft for a complaint or application.

We have a duty of confidentiality. Read more about how we process information about you.


+ 45 35 33 55 26

Monday-Friday 9-15

Leave a message or send us an e-mail if we can't come to the phone. Then we will get back to you.


Professorvillaen, Nørregade 10
1165 Copenhagen K

Meetings at the address by appointment only.

Would you like to know more about what the Student Ambassador can help you with?