Student Ambassador's Newsletter Q1 2021
The Student ambassador’s quarterly newsletter keeps you updated on how the Student ambassador and many others are working to improve students’ legal position and develop dialogue and understanding between students and the University.
Decision by the Danish Board of Equal Treatment on students with hearing impairments
On 7 January, the Danish Board of Equal Treatment published a decision based on a complaint about a university from a student with a hearing impairment (decision no. 9009 (in Danish only)). It appears from the decision that, for example:
- Procurement and setup of proper audio technology in all relevant classrooms is considered an adequate measure.
- The Board of Equal Treatment found that the university had not arranged for audio technology in classrooms in a timely and sufficiently effective manner. In this context, the student was awarded a compensation of DKK 50,000.
- Subtitling of 20 hours of video material financed by Special Education Support (SPS) funds is considered an adequate measure. (The video material was handed out as a supplement to the teaching.)
Counselling needs in Q1
In Q1, the Student Ambassador received 210 enquiries. This makes Q1 2021 the quarter with the most received enquiries since the student ambassador function was established in 2013. In comparison, we received 187 enquiries in Q1 2020.
Most of the enquiries were from students who wanted guidance in relation to applying for an exemption. Many of the applications for exemptions during this period have been in some way related to the recent exam period. For example, we have seen many applications for extra exam attempts, late registration for or withdrawal from exams or special exam conditions.
In addition, almost 20 percent of the enquiries were from students who wanted to complain about an exam, most often because they disagreed with the assessment.
Additionally, almost 20 percent of the enquiries were from students who wanted guidance on legal complaints after the University had rejected their complaint.
The rest of the enquiries were primarily divided between suspected exam cheating, intake, bullying and sick leave.

The 2020 annual report
In March, the Student Ambassador sent his 2020 annual report to the Rectorate.
For the first time, he met with student politicians, the degree programme management at each faculty and the Central Administration department Education & Students beforehand in February and discussed impressions from students’ enquiries to the Student Ambassador in 2020 as a basis for the annual report. Read more about the adjusted process here under the heading ‘Annual report process’.
From April to June, the annual report will be discussed at meetings in the Administrative Management (AL), a joint meeting between the UCPH Academic Board on Education Strategy (KUUR) and the Study Administration Coordination Committee (SAK), the Senior Management Team (LT), the Rectorate and the Board.